Like its two previous models, the new Q-Box® R3leaf™ guarantees safe explosion venting in manned areas. The flames are instantly quenched inside the Q-Box® R3leaf™ by the high-efficient cooling effect. The Q-Box® R3leaf™ is designed for dust explosion-prone applications of low design strength and the need for large vent areas such as required for filters, dryers, sifters, elevators or silos. The Q-Box® R3leaf™ complements the product line of REMBE® flameless explosion venting devices as is it optimised in terms of performance and sustainability. Based on systematic development the venting efficiency the maximum protected volume as well as the KSt value could be improved significantly. Hence, less flameless explosion venting devices are required, especially for larger vessels.
The rectangular connection complements the dimensions of standard explosion vents, thus allowing it to be retrofitted to existing indoor and outdoor equipment. Q-Box® R3leaf™ is also suitable for outdoor application. Easy retrofitting: The dimensions of the Q-Box® R3leaf™ perfectly match the dimensions of REMBE® standard explosion vents.
Detailed product information
Product Information Q-Box® R3leaf™